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Fireside Chats with EMBA Women

A series of informal talks with four women who graduated from Rotman's One-Year Executive MBA program

Four remarkable women, four fireside chats:
How the EMBA transforms careers (and lives)

Our One-Year Executive MBA program is designed for working professionals from a range of career paths and sectors. For this series of talks, we've gathered four women in diverse fields whose success demonstrates how the EMBA helped them progress in their careers.

We think it's fair to describe these women as "remarkable"—and we've designed this program to be a route to all kinds of remarkable achievements. Our speakers will be sharing tips on work-life balance, and how to make the most of this fast-moving program. Join us to be inspired, and bring your questions!

Meet our speakers

smiling woman 

Deanna Burger (MBA '19)

Co-Founder & CEO, commUNITY

Long concerned about safety in Canadian homes, Deanna co-founded a rapid-response company supporting Made in Canada PPE and coordinating lifestyle products. Hear how her EMBA experience propelled her to entrepreneurship.

Thursday February 25, 12-1 pm
Listen to recording

More about Deanna

woman  smiling 

Su Hutchinson (MBA '19)

Director of Operations, MT>3, formerly Wortzmans, a Division of McCarthy Tétrault LLP

Before she earned her Executive MBA, Su was a changemaker, known for her ability to turn around struggling arts organizations. Her Rotman degree helped her further develop her skills and now she's the Operations Manager for a leading law firm specializing in providing advice and services relating to the management of digital information.

Thursday March 11, 12-1 pm
Listen to recording 

More about Su

woman in business attire 

Anjali Gupta (MBA '19)

Sr. Manager, Finance Management and Strategy - Global Risk Management, ScotiaBank

Anjali has extensive experience in strategic and operational specializations in the highly competitive and nimble IT, financial services, and consulting industries. She will share her journey through the Executive MBA program and how the program unlocked doors that she didn’t even know existed.

Thursday March 25, 12-1 pm
Listen to recording

More about Anjali

woman in business attire 

Snehal Belgaumkar (MBA '19)

Director, Digital Marketing, Stericycle

Snehal's 15 years of experience in digital marketing, plus the skills she built through the Executive MBA program, have led to her current role in a medical waste management and healthcare solutions organization. She will talk about how the EMBA helped her develop her business acumen, build valuable professional networks, and unlock the leadership potential to grow her career.

Thursday April 8, 12-1 pm
Listen to recording

More about Snehal

Listen to Catherine's story

EMBA graduate Catherine Bornbaum (EMBA '19) went on to a leadership role in an AI medical imaging company. We caught up with her in January: here's a recording in which she and two other Rotman graduates share their thoughts on leadership lessons learned in Rotman's three Executive MBA programs. Listen now.  


Women of EMBA Fireside Chat: June 6, 2024

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