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Matthew Zhou, GEMBA-HLS '24

Valedictorian, GEMBA-HLS

“Our strong sense of community and shared commitment to advancing healthcare will keep us connected and continue to inspire our professional journeys.”

Matthew Zhou


How does it feel to be valedictorian?

Being chosen as valedictorian is both an honor and a bit surreal. It's a testament to the incredible journey we've all had together and the collective spirit of our class. I'm grateful to represent such a talented and dedicated group of professionals.

Why do you think your classmates chose you for this honour?

I think they chose me because I always tried to make the learning journey enjoyable and engaging. Whether it was through lighthearted moments or collaborative efforts, I aimed to create an environment where we could all thrive and have fun while learning. I’ve always aimed to bring out the best in our class, and I think they saw my commitment to our shared success.

How has the program changed you?

The program has been truly transformative. It has sharpened my strategic thinking and leadership skills, allowing me to approach complex healthcare challenges with confidence and creativity. The international modules broadened my global perspective, while hands-on projects provided real-world insights. Learning alongside diverse and talented peers has enriched my understanding and inspired innovative approaches to problem-solving in healthcare.

Describe a highlight of the program.

A highlight of the program was our visit to London, where we had the unique opportunity to compare the public and private healthcare systems. Seeing these differences firsthand was very relevant given Canada's current healthcare discussions. The insights gained from this experience were invaluable, offering a deeper understanding of how various healthcare models operate and their impact on patient care.

What makes my classmates / graduating year special?

Our graduating year is unique because we were the first cohort to fully experience the program post-pandemic. This gave us a unique lens to examine healthcare systems immediately following such a significant global event.

The diverse backgrounds and experiences of my classmates brought rich perspectives to our discussions. We supported each other through challenges, celebrated successes together, and formed lasting bonds. Moving forward, our strong sense of community and shared commitment to advancing healthcare will keep us connected and continue to inspire our professional journeys.


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Matthew Zhou, GEMBA-HLS, 2024

Executive MBA
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