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Aleem Dhanani, EMBA '24

Executive MBA Valedictorian

“I am truly grateful for this honour and am proud to represent such a talented graduating class.”

Aleem Dhanani


How does it feel to be valedictorian?

I sincerely appreciate being selected as the valedictorian and feel a sense of elation mixed with an element of responsibility. I am truly grateful for this honour and am proud to represent such a talented graduating class.

Why do you think your classmates chose you for this honour?

From the outset, one of my key aspirations was to build strong and meaningful relationships with my peers. I attempted to be available and dependable when approached by my classmates, and actively sought ways to connect with them to better understand their perspectives and to help them build on their ideas. I also believed that our MBA experience would be enhanced through participation, collaboration, and through individuals taking initiative. In this regard, I shared my reflections, insights, and analyses throughout the year, organized group activities, and contributed to class discussions.

Each classmate will have had their own reasons when selecting a valedictorian but perhaps the actions and values demonstrated above contributed towards their rationale. There was a wide choice of incredibly smart and hardworking individuals for this honour, and I am thankful for the recognition and appreciate the trust and confidence placed in me by my classmates to represent them.

How has the program changed you?

The program broadened my understanding of the avenues available for personal and career growth and enhanced my ability to pursue these opportunities by bolstering my confidence, skillset and network. It allowed me to gain valuable perspectives on becoming an effective leader by providing frameworks to analyze complex business situations and to critically reflect upon my own experiences.

The program has also helped me develop a more holistic view of problem solving by encouraging the consideration of various options, stakeholders, and biases prior to making decisions or delivering recommendations. Lastly, it provided an invaluable peer, alumni and faculty network comprised of outstanding professionals that are willing and able to help navigate future endeavours.

Describe a highlight of the program.

The highlight of my experience was building lifelong friendships with an incredible group of people. One particular aspect that stood out for me was the residential modules at the beginning of each term. These were unique opportunities to immerse ourselves in what felt like the pinnacle business school experience – early days, late nights, steep learning curves, spirited class discussions, endless whiteboarding sessions, tight deadlines, talent shows, and teambuilding activities, all while staying in the same hotel block next to campus for six consecutive days. I immensely enjoyed each one of these modules and am grateful for the time we all spent together, growing both personally and professionally.

What makes my classmates / graduating year special?

They were and are an extremely supportive, caring and cohesive group. One of the characteristics that made them so special was their unwavering willingness to give their time and energy to create a positive impact. Whether it was referring classmates for job opportunities, raising funds for charity, planning social activities, sharing notes, or celebrating milestones – everyone contributed in unique ways to shape and enhance the program experience.

Another aspect that stood out was the diversity of the class. The wide range of backgrounds and skills was a key positive factor in broadening the scope of our discussions and strengthening the outcomes of our deliverables. It was a privilege being able to learn from and collaborate with so many talented senior professionals who each had a wealth of knowledge and experience. I truly enjoyed getting to know my peers on a personal level and will always fondly look back at the memories we shared.


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