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Back Issues 2017

The Inequality Issue (Fall 2017)

In this issue, we look at some of the key issues related to both inequality of outcome (as measured by income or wealth) and inequality of opportunity (as measured by circumstances beyond an individual’s control, such as gender or sexual orientation) and show what today’s leaders can do to address both.

The Behavioural Issue (Spring 2017)

Whatever your organization produces, one hard truth applies: your offering has zero value unless your customers perceive value in it. One of the core challenges for leaders today is to understand the nuances of creating value in the mind of the consumer. In this issue, we put value creation in the spotlight in an effort to define what it looks like and how to enable more of it.

Smart Power (Winter 2017)

Rising income inequality, revelations of corporate greed, and the democratization of media have flipped the classic pyramid of influence, to a point where the general population now trusts its peers more than those in power. Trust is no longer granted automatically on the basis of hierarchy or title. In today’s world, trust must be earned. The remedy: smart power.